Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekend with fellow Cannonballers

Okay, so this post is a week late (along with a few other important updates), so please pardon the delay. I'm finishing out my spring semester at Sam Houston State University, and things have been quite hectic! Anyway, here is first of some recent updates: Weekend with fellow Cannonballers

  This past weekend (April 20th), I was fortunate enough to be able to spend time with some fellow Cannonballers. Jim Crain (#42), and Jimmy Allison (#59) invited me to come up to Jefferson, Texas, which is about 3 hours north from home, to hang out and watch the AHMRA (American Historic Motorcycle Racing Association) vintage motocross event at Diamond Don's. Jim and Jimmy are both from New Mexico, and are heavily involved in the vintage motorcycle world. For the races, both of them entered their BSA Gold Stars, which were beautiful and functional pieces of art.

Jim Crain's BSA Gold Star--What a great piece!

  As I mentioned in an earlier post, motorcycles and wonderful people seem to go hand in hand. This premise was once again proven to be true on the weekend at Diamond Don's. The hospitality of Jim, Jimmy, and family was wonderful--I thank them very much for hosting this Texan. Us Cannonballers are a different group of people (someone wanting to run a veteran motorcycle across a continent MUST be a bit different, eh?) and the jokes/shenanigans that go on between us are unrivaled.

Jimmy Allison's BSA Gold Star (Kind of a bad picture though!)
  Anyway, it was great to sit down and go over logistics/ideas for the Cannonball. I'm really glad that Jim Crain and I were able to meet before the race and "talk shop." Interestingly enough, Jim and I are riding the exact same year and model of BSA (though his bike is the "Deluxe" model), so we'll undoubtedly be sticking together like glue on the run. Jim and I were comparing notes on updated bits, spares, and what kind of things we think that we'll need. We're both on the lookout for a spare gearbox (and I think that Chris Knoop, #16 from Australia has a lead on one for me), as well as numerous other bits. Now that we had our face-to-face meeting, we can start to develop a list of spares, tools, and other assorted bits to source before the run.

Jim Crain and his 1927 BSA S27 Deluxe
All that being said, this post is rather short. More pictures than words, but I can imagine that my blabbering on can get rather annoying. So once again, I really appreciate the hospitality, the laughs, the great food, and the friendships that were made on the weekend in Jefferson with my fellow Cannonballers and family. Thanks guys, and see you soon!

Jimmy Allison, #59 (1929 Indian Scout 101) on the left, Jim Crain, #42
(1927 BSA S27 Deluxe) in the middle 

Buck Carson
Confirmed Cannonballer #3
Carson Classic Motors Race Team

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